(A soldier’s story - WW1)
The muddy trenches are putrid and horrible. Sewage and blood, scattered in the murky trenches. A shortage of water, and little food. War is the worst place to be.
Guns fire everywhere. Bombs explode in the distance. The donkey and his master walk through the battlefield, peacefully. War can be a loud place to be.
I think of my family at home in New Zealand. My wife and children, working until sundown. Unfortunately, I am stuck in Gallipoli, firing my gun all day. War can be a sad place to be.
Poppies blooming in spring. Red, marking my peers who have not survived. The poppies will mark their place, in Flander’s Fields. War can be a place to remember.
Lest we forget those who fell during the war. Some who fell were forgotten, for they had no family to remember them. Lest we forget.